Application / Dynamic Class Data Sharing In HotSpot JVM
Content Intro The purpose of this article is to discuss in detail one feature that HotSpot JVM offers since JDK 1.5 to reduce the startup time but also the memory…
Kotlin explicit inlining at megamorphic call-sites pays off in performance
Motivation In the current post, I would like to investigate how megamorphic call-sites are optimized in Kotlin as a result of explicit inlining (using the explicit inline modifier) and what is…
Chaining lambda optimizations in HotSpot VM and GraalVM
Motivation Current post tackles the problem of chaining (or linking) multiple lambda calls which seem to be differently optimized by the HotSpot Just In Time Compiler C2 (i.e. JIT C2)…
Passing this::method reference within a loop affects performance
Motivation The problem I would like address affects the performance in case this::method reference is passed to another method (especially within a long running loop), hence it is important to be…
Shared Variable Optimization Within A Loop
Recently I attended GeeCon Krakow conference and during one of the talks the famous Venkat Subramaniam shared an interesting small application which captured my attention and got stuck in my mind.…