Kotlin explicit inlining at megamorphic call-sites pays off in performance
Motivation In the current post, I would like to investigate how megamorphic call-sites are optimized in Kotlin as a result of explicit inlining (using the explicit inline modifier) and what is…
Chaining lambda optimizations in HotSpot VM and GraalVM
Motivation Current post tackles the problem of chaining (or linking) multiple lambda calls which seem to be differently optimized by the HotSpot Just In Time Compiler C2 (i.e. JIT C2)…
Java Performance Tuning Course
Description In this Java Performance Tuning Course, the attendees will learn how to develop Java software applications with performance as a first-class quality attribute. This intensive training targets passionate Java…
How to Measure Performance in Java Applications
Performance is an important criterion every software application might satisfy and each Architect should have in mind when designing and putting in place the Quality Attribute tactics, if this is an…