HotSpot JVM Performance Tuning Guidelines
HotSpot JVM Performance Tuning Guidelines Content Intro Memory Heap Off-Heap Metaspace CodeCache Direct Buffers ClassLoader Dynamic Class-Data Sharing Just-In-Time Compiler Tiered Mode: C1+C2 Graal JIT Threads Garbage Collectors Serial Garbage…
JVM JIT Compilers Benchmarks Report 19.11
Context and Motivation The current article describes a series of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Just In Time (JIT) Compilers micro-benchmarks and their results, relying on different optimization patterns or intrinsics support.…
JVM JIT Compilers Benchmarks Report 19.04
Context and Motivation The current article describes a series of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Just In Time (JIT) Compilers benchmarks and their results, relying on different optimization patterns. For the current…
Chaining lambda optimizations in HotSpot VM and GraalVM
Motivation Current post tackles the problem of chaining (or linking) multiple lambda calls which seem to be differently optimized by the HotSpot Just In Time Compiler C2 (i.e. JIT C2)…
Java Performance Tuning Course
Description In this Java Performance Tuning Course, the attendees will learn how to develop Java software applications with performance as a first-class quality attribute. This intensive training targets passionate Java…